My Studio
My Studio is where I get most of my work done. Between the various drum sets and instruments, video studio, tracking, monitoring, and editing rooms and office, I find myself able to jump from phase to phase of various projects throughout the day.
Daily, I am practicing and learning new material, teaching private lessons, tracking and producing new music, shooting and editing videos, and writing lesson plans.
Yes, this is where it all happens, Welcome to my studio.
Private Lessons
Teaching privately out of my studio has allowed me to use all of the resources it has available for lessons, including acoustic and electric drum sets, metronome, guitars and other instruments, recording capabilities and reference monitors.
Tracking Studio
Equipped with various mediums of tracking and mixing, including portable gear for live recordings at rehearsal studios and stages.
I lay most of the tracks myself but have an incredible roster of studio musicians on standby.
Contact me for drum tracks on any previously recorded projects or for song production any where in the world. Locally, my studio is open to artists looking to cut a demo or full album.
Video Production Studio
Used primarily for lesson videos, multiple cameras and editing software allow me to create some great learning tools and reference material as well as video demos and music videos.
This is where all of the administrative stuff gets done. It is also my main connection to the world and the place where I write lesson plans and pages for my method books.
Lounge/Lobby (Living Room)
This is where I review live tapes of performances and use the stereo to reference studio mixes. It also doubles as a relaxing hangout where I get my Discovery Channel fix and entertain guests on "Movie Night".
Rehearsal Studio
The electronic kit, mixer, and reference PA allow for total volume control and my neighbors are none the wiser during late night production rehearsals. The studio proper is located in the center of the house for minimal sound leakage during maximum volume situations. This is also where I do much of my "wood-shedding".
Mixing Studio
I invite the artists I work with to be present for the final stages of audio mixdown. The mix screen is 62" and easily seen from the relaxing comfort of the leather couches.
www. Aaron Bland .com