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Drum Set
Fine tune your style by making sure that you are playing as efficiently as possible. Everyone is different and every set is unique. Learn what techniques can benefit you in developing your playing style.
Heel Up
Heel Down
Double Bass
Bass Drum
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Hi-Hat "Splashes"
This technique allows a drummer to produce a crash sound without using any hands. This means you can accent certain notes with your left foot while doing anything else. It is also great for heavy constants where you want certain beats to stand out.
Drum Set Navigation
Several exercises including left to right, right to left, methods that open the door to hundreds of fill and navigation ideas. Also, Fill Patterns and geometric shapes to maneuver around the set.
Moeller method as applied to the drum set
There really is no better arena to use a fluid, core technique to reduce resistance and play as ergonomically as possible.
Gary Chaffee, one of the founders of this technique, in a blissful show of arrogance that an 87 year old man can have when he can move his sticks almost effortlessly in a dynamic flurry, explained the physical motion to me by having me imagine that I just pulled my hand out of a bucket of slime. The motion of your wrist for each series of strokes is similar to the way you would "flick" off the liquid from your fingertips.
Another image that demonstrates the same motion and transfer of energy is a bull whip cracking. The wielder draws back slowly. Then with a powerful motion, "throws" the whip forward. I picture myself as a little kid, playing with a rope, or hose, or extension chord laid out across a lawn. A bull-whipping motion would send an arc from one end of the rope to the other given enough force. This is the same way a stick reacts when energy from the mind travels through the shoulder, down the arm, to the wrist and fingers, to the stick where there is enough energy stored up to play multiple strokes.
Displaced Taps and Accents
Take the rudimental principle behind making notes sound out from other notes using dynamics and applying the technique around the set. Accents are placed on the toms for a melodic application. Playing the kick drum underneath cymbals to accent notes on a drum set can be applied to nearly any style.